Friday, November 17, 2006

Running Bohemian Intellectuals

No, this is not part 2.

I'm writing to you from Mom's house, typing on her shiny new Blackbook. My passion for Apple is slowly seeping into the lives of those around me. Jessie was the first. Now Mom. I'm going Monday with Anna to the Apple Store to find a laptop for Derrick for Christmas, and Dad has been talking about switching sometime soon. Dave is getting a Mac Pro for Christmas.

As Mat would say, "Mwahahahaha."

It is to Mat, actually, that this post owes its title. We were at Friday's Wednesday night, feeding the muse so to speak, and Mat commented that I looked, in my pseudo-red-track-jacket-thing, my Gap multicolored hat, and my new emo glasses, like a Running Bohemian Intellectual. Which I guess I then proved by inventing an "awkward silence" machine, with which I would delight myself at random moments - can you imagine if one of your roomates was having sex and you turned on your ASM?

"What's wrong, honey?" the girl asks.
"I don't know. I think we should stop."
"Can't you hear that?"
"Hear what? I don't hear anything."
"Exactly. This...silence. If only it wasn't so awkward I could finish."
"So is now a bad time to tell you I'm actually a man?"


The fact that Mat and I discussed, for more than 20 seconds, just exactly how that device would work attests to the grand creative spirit which makes the writer's meetings fun. I feel privileged to be one of the few, if not only, people who gets to be a part of his writing process for The Flames of Resistance. It's inspring. This is going to be a good year.

Mum and I are heading up to NY tomorrow to see Mark for the first time in months and also to see him in his show, "Contact." I'm looking forward to the trip. We're driving to Harrisburg and then taking the train to New York City. I haven't been on a train since I was eight years old. I got a trip to Altoona as a birthday present and it was *awesome*. Basically every nerdy thing you could be into I was into as a child. Thank God so much has changed and I killed every part of myself that wasn't normal!

So, I'll return with pictures, which I know I always say and rarely do. I promise to actually deliver part 2 of my trailer adventure, maybe even post a little clip of what I eventually worked on. I have some ridiculous pictures that Dad and I posed for once we realized that it was just not going to work. I see humor is genetic...

Travel safe, if your weekend takes you elsewhere. If you go to Vegas, look out for the four sexy Rutter women! Jess will be there hooching it up with Gran. Now THERE are some pictures I think the world needs to see!
