Battle of the Bilge
If you ever get the chance to see Tracy Morgan live, don't. Just.... don't. He wasn't funny on SNL, and he's especially unfunny live. It was the equivalent of watching someone take a crap for an hour and a half, only you were the toilet water and his words were the logs of shit falling on your head.
Very unfunny man.
That is, of course, unless you like jokes about sticking your penis in Terry Schiavo's feeding-tube incision, a joke he made on numerous occasions between masturbating the microphone on stage and pretending to walk through a labia.
Hopefully he goes away soon.
In other news, I filed my taxes! I owed money for the first time ever, but it wasn't nearly as much as I thought. I'm in the 10% bracket, and 10% of what I made last year would be an annoying bill to pay. I also completed my 'loan application interview' after the intransigent whores at Pitt took away my Pell grant. *shakes angry fist* It's alright, I don't mind taking on some debt. I like a sense of ownership, anyway. I have some copious amounts of homework to slog through before Tuesday, I'm trying to get up to Rochester for a piano lesson with Prof. Caramia, and the whole time I've been writing 'Avanon' in my head. I wish I could just write stories and make movies for the rest of my life. That'd be swell :)